Modern Madonna, 2017

Modern Madonna is a series of portrait depicting the mothers in my life, comparing them to  one of the best known models of motherhood, the Madonna. By exploring the posing of those aincient iconographies, I examine the identity of motherhood, and how it exists in proximity to myself, who is now at the age when many of these women became mothers themselves . 



portrait of a grandmother

“Babcia Janka”

Inkjet print on fine art Paper

12×12″,  2017

“Ciocia Danusia”

Inkjet print on fine art paper

12 x 12″, 2017


Inkjet print on fine art paper

12 x 12″, 2017 


Inkjet print on fine art paper

12 x 12″, 2017 

” Ela” 

Inkjet print on fine art paper

12 x 12″, 2017 


Inkjet print on fine art paper

12 x 12″, 2017 


Inkjet print on fine art paper

12 x 12″, 2017 


Inkjet print on fine art paper

12 x 12″, 2017 


Inkjet print on fine art paper

12 x 12″, 2017 


Inkjet print on fine art paper

12 x 12″, 2017 


Inkjet print on fine art paper

12 x 12″, 2017